Daily Mail: Vaping will give you the flesh eating disease
'); }()); Ok, they really didn’t say that but they might as well have with this troll-tastic headline… Are e-cigarette smokers at risk from superbugs? Vapour helps deadly bacteria to thrive, say...
View ArticleReturn of the exploding e-cigs
'); }()); We have yet another exploding e-cig in the UK and the Daily Mail is there. However much like they did with the MRSA study they buried the facts deep into the article. The device came with a...
View ArticleLily Allen uses e-cig in video, parents everywhere faint
'); }()); My word, where is my fainting couch? I’m 45-years-old. That pretty much makes me an old man who yells at clouds. I’m not that familiar with this Lily Allen but from what I understand she is...
View ArticleAnne Atkins Seduces Her Own Son Online So You Don’t Have to!
Talk about taking the cake. This story is nowhere as egregious as others we’ve profiled, but…damn. The “ick” factor cannot be denied. Musings of a Girl writes about a Daily Mail article by journalist...
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