Talk about taking the cake. This story is nowhere as egregious as others we’ve profiled, but…damn. The “ick” factor cannot be denied. Musings of a Girl writes about a Daily Mail article by journalist Anne Atkins, in which one of Atkins’ friends dared her to try and “befriend” one of her own kids through a social networking site. So Atkins did what any good mum would do: she hopped onto the Bebo network, and created a fictitious persona for a 17-year-old girl called CheshaKitten – a sexed-up reference to Lewis Carroll, and a bit of an inside joke to boot. She then proceeded to make her teen son Ben fall in love with her.
Uh, I mean, with “CheshaKitten”. Not with her. That would be creepy and wrong…right?
Needless to say, Ben was pissed when he found out, though he seems to have gotten over it. I imagine that, after 13+ years of dealing with his mother’s whacked-out shit, he’s gotten used to her crazy by now. How does Atkins feel about crushing her son’s feelings? Ben, after all, had fallen in love with his mum – er, I mean, CheshaKitten! Says Atkins The Elder: “I felt wretched, probably much worse than Ben did. But at least I’d won my bet and proved that with ingenuity and guile one really can pretend to be anybody on the internet.”
Yep. ‘Cause winning a bet? WAY more crucial than your son’s emotions.
Now…ready for the Grand Finale? Anne Atkins is A VICAR’s WIFE. Atkins came to prominence as a commentator when she denounced a celebration by the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement at Southwark Cathedral. Wow. Religious fundamentalism, homophobia and creepy Oedipal deception? What a woman!
So, for the record: being gay? Disgraceful in the eyes of the Lord. Seducing your son over the Internet? Now you’re speaking God’s language!
(Hat tip: Emari)